Frequently Asked Questions
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Features & Functions
Mobileye’s aftermarket system is designed to only alert the driver – allowing more time to react.
It will not apply the brakes or take control of the steering like on factory-fitted systems.
Yes, Mobileye works at night. The only limitation is pedestrian detection (PCW) is disabled at night.
Yes, Mobileye has been tested to work in all weather conditions, including heavy rain and fog.
No, Mobileye does not have an internal clock or GPS. It does not know when a speed zone changes during school times. It will always read the posted speed limit as 40km/h, irrespective of the day of the week or time of day.
Depending on the setup agreed to by the fleet manager. In most cases the Mobileye system is locked to prevent driver tampering.
Mobileye is a once off cost. There are no subscriptions or ongoing costs. The system does not require any maintenance or updating.
Yes, the Mobileye system is customisable (to an extent) Our in-house development team will work with you to tailor a solution that works for your fleet.
The system is then locked so that drivers cannot make changes or disable the system.
Yes, the Mobileye system has outputs that can be integrated into most telematcs hardware, providing they have available inputs. The Mobileye output options include CAN-Bus, serial, analogue and Bluetooth.
Mobileye does not have any memory or hard drive – it does not store any data.
No, the Mobileye system does not record any video or audio.
No. Mobileye does not have GPS and is not tracking the location of the vehicle.
Yes, but only when it’s connected to a telematics or fleet management system (FMS) and has been configured to do so.
Mobileye can be fitted into any vehicle with a windshield and speed and blinker signals.
No. The Mobileye system is calibrated for each vehicle and requires specific software and hardware to perform the installation. Technicians are trained and accredited by Mobileye before they can perform installations.
Yes, provided it is performed by a technician accredit by Mobileye or one of it’s distributors. It will need to be recalibrated for the new vehicle.
No, the system is non-intrusive and does not affect the electrics of the vehicle in any way.
Yes, Mobileye needs to receive CAN signals like speed, blinkers, brake and wipers in order to operate.
The Mobileye system will only read from CAN. It does not send any data back down the CAN line.
In most installations, a CAN-sensor is used, eliminating the need to splice into CAN wires, which allows for a non-invasive connection to the CAN wiring.
Installation time will vary depending on the vehicle. From 45 mins to 2 hours.